When arriving in a place, I try to take a moment before doing anything substantial, to mark that arrival. There are various ways of doing this, but it is helpful to have a catalyst and Japan has many...
I was thinking about your question..are there places that welcome us in my part of the world? I just returned from a solo road trip to Yellowstone. It seems like some of the welcoming spots become prime selfie real estate..which then changes the welcome vibe altogether. So maybe welcome spots are both a product of design and beginners mind awareness? If the design is too obvious it becomes a selfie-zone. A favorite welcome moment was pulling up to a Venice, Italy dock that had flaming torches to greet us. We disembarked and found ourselves amidst a mysterious Mardi Gras experience of human statues frozen in glorious costumes....but that dock entrance was a perfect welcome that hinted at what was about to unfold for us.
Thanks, Daniel! Interested to read your newsletter. The observant newcomer mindset is a fun one to inhabit, even more fun sometimes in our own backyards so to speak.
I've enjoyed the interweaving of text and image in this opening post in what is, as I write, looking like a four step exploratory encounter with a new-to-me urban place. You are, in what little I've managed to read of your work here so far, both a genial and a gifted guide Patrick.
I was thinking about your question..are there places that welcome us in my part of the world? I just returned from a solo road trip to Yellowstone. It seems like some of the welcoming spots become prime selfie real estate..which then changes the welcome vibe altogether. So maybe welcome spots are both a product of design and beginners mind awareness? If the design is too obvious it becomes a selfie-zone. A favorite welcome moment was pulling up to a Venice, Italy dock that had flaming torches to greet us. We disembarked and found ourselves amidst a mysterious Mardi Gras experience of human statues frozen in glorious costumes....but that dock entrance was a perfect welcome that hinted at what was about to unfold for us.
Ah. We need to make 'awareness' cooler than a selfie! Now, there's a project!
I love how you describe your arrival in Venice. A real honest-to-goodness moment, welcoming you into it. Those are the best.
It's always fascination to read about the places that have ceased to be extraordinary through the eyes of an observant newcomer. Thanks!
Thanks, Daniel! Interested to read your newsletter. The observant newcomer mindset is a fun one to inhabit, even more fun sometimes in our own backyards so to speak.
Looking forward to the next installment of your piece!
I've enjoyed the interweaving of text and image in this opening post in what is, as I write, looking like a four step exploratory encounter with a new-to-me urban place. You are, in what little I've managed to read of your work here so far, both a genial and a gifted guide Patrick.